The Current State of Venture Capital in the World

Last year brought many changes to the state of venture capital around the world. The fact is that fewer deals were actually made. The interesting part, however, is that the deals were made at a higher cost, showing an increase over that of 2013. That growth has continued in 2015, mainly in terms of tech …

Outlook for the VC Market in the US

If the venture capital market continues with last year’s trend, the outlook in the U.S. for the remainder of 2015 proves to be interesting. The trend is for investors to make fewer deals, but at a higher cost. The prices in VC market have gone up and we can expect to see more of that.

The VC Market in South Korea

A venture capital firm invests money in a start-up business as an investment which has the potential of bringing in a substantial return down the road. When an entrepreneur comes up with an idea and starts a business they typically lack know-how and funding. Efraim Landa offers both through his VC firm, Effi Enterprises. A …

The VC Market in Canada

Effi Enterprises is a venture capital firm founded by entrepreneur, Efraim Landa. As an entrepreneur, Mr. Landa knows firsthand the struggles of starting and funding a business venture. He established Effi Enterprises in order to provide VC funding for emerging businesses that can also benefit from his many years of successful experience. A VC firm …

VC Market in Australia

A venture capitalist such as Efraim Landa invests finances and expertise in an emerging company in exchange for equity in the company. A venture capital firm will supply the needed funds to help keep the business afloat while it is becoming established and growing. When a VC firm invests in a company the main plan …

VC Market in Scandinavia

An emerging business usually needs two things: funding and knowledge. Efraim Landa established the venture capital firm, Effi enterprises in order to provide both mentorship and funding to start-up businesses. A VC firm will provide the funding that is needed to help firmly establish a business in exchange for equity in the company. The typical …

VC Market in Singapore

  Efraim Landa is a venture capitalist who understands fully the challenges faced by an entrepreneur or a start-up business who is attempting to secure funding. A venture capital firm such as Effi Enterprises provides an investment into the business which is intended to provide the finances needed for the business to grow. VC firms …

VC Market in South Africa

The goal of a venture capital firm like Effi Enterprises is to provide start-up funding for a new business. This type of short term investment is made by a VC firm in exchange for profits that the company is expected to generate at a later date. Generally, a company will either go public with an …

VC Market in Brazil

Venture Capital Firms like Effi Enterprises have long existed inside and outside the US. As the global market is expanding and undeveloped countries are beginning to enter the technological age, investment opportunities are opening up around the world. As an entrepreneur, Efraim Landa understands the need for capital to help an emerging business get off …

VC Market in Africa

Venture capital firms desire to invest in startup or emerging companies which have the potential of making a large profit. The VC firm will offer a substantial investment in the company and in return they will have equity. Efraim Landa is a venture capitalist who will work hand in hand with a company and offer …